Notification of an Amendment to the Bye-Laws

In view of the general increase in Green Fees and the growing increase in the food & beverage offer to visiting parties, the Council has amended the following Bye -Law with immediate effect:- 


A party of more than eight players, irrespective of the number of Members playing in the party, is considered to be a courtesy and a booking  has to be made with the General Manager and a Green Fee of £35 charged for all non-Members.

This will now read

A party of more than eight players, irrespective of the number of Members playing in the party, is considered to be a courtesy and a booking has to be made with the General Manager and at a Green Fee at the current prevailing rate applied to non-Member players.

The amended Bye-Law has been posted in the Members section of the website, incorporated in the Constitution document. 

Pollok Council

25 February 2022

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